Regional products

Martusia’s fish
Martusia’s fish is a “brand” mark of Lubomyśl village. To prepare it, you need: 10 mackerel fish, marinade for spreading on the fish, brush, 10 sticks for the fish, fish frying grill and briquette charcoal. We gut the fish without cutting it to the end. We clean it thoroughly. Then soak it in water with 0.5 kg of salt for 12 hours. We put the fish on specially prepared sticks and leave them to drain.
Fish marinade: 4 tablespoons of fish seasoning, 1 tablespoon of Vegeta seasoning, 1 tablespoon of salt, 0.5 beer, 1 glass of oil and 1 glass of red semi-dry wine. We mix everything. It can be seasoned to taste with larger amounts of spices. We spread the prepared marinade over the fish with a brush while frying it on the grill. When frying, we turn the fish so that it is evenly fried on each side. At the end we grill it for an hour.
Woodsman’s bacon
- marinade on about 3-4 kg of product (4 l of water, 400 g of curing salt),
- 2 bulbs of garlic,
- 3 bay leaves,
- 3 tablespoons of marjoram,
- 2 teaspoons of coloured pepper,
- 1 teaspoon of pimento,
- 1 teaspoon of caraway,
- some cloves,
- fresh lovage or two tablespoons of Maggi seasoning,
- 2 tablespoons of sugar.

The apiary is run by Agnieszka and Jacek Szajna from Lubomyśl. Their offer includes: various types of honey, bee pollen, propolis and beeswax candles.

‘Kubusiowa Pasieka’ apiary
Aleksandra Owad is the person responsible for obtaining honey and carefully produced flavour compositions. The assortment includes: classic honey, creamed honey with freeze-dried additives (mint, cocoa, cinnamon, strawberry, raspberry, black currant, ginger), honey with fruit, honey with spices.